Facts You Might Not Know About the Daypacks
Basically, anything with strap shoulder straps is classified as a back pack. Therefore, a back pack is a kind of pack, too. However, not all back packs are backpacks. A back pack is actually a big version of a typical lightweight backpack, but not always a full-sized pack. The major difference between a backpack and a normal backpack is the shoulder straps and the size of the pack. A normal backpack has no shoulder straps at all, while a back pack typically does. In addition, most back packs are much larger in size than the smaller daypacks that you see people carrying around campus, the grocery store, or even on long-distance trips. Because of the way that back packs are constructed, they can carry all sorts of stuff, both for protection and for convenience. Back packs are usually larger than normal daypacks because of their added shoulder strap, and the fact that they carry so much weight. For example, a regular backpack would not fit on a plane, while a back pack would! B...